Group Resources

Here are resources to assist pro-Ukraine groups, anywhere around the world.


Group goals

What will your group do to help defend Ukraine? Most groups either focus on the below topics:

  • Equipment for Ukraine’s military – Fundraising, buying and shipping critical supplies to Ukraine’s military. These often include drones, night vision, vehicles, winter clothing, medical equipment and the other million things it takes to win a war.
  • Political advocacy (lobbying) – encouraging the US government (and/or other governments) to better support Ukraine
  • Public awareness – Ufortunately most Americans and even many ukrainian-Americans remain ignorant to the importance of the conflict in Ukraine, as well as how they can help. There are many ways groups are educating Americans how and why to get involved.
Contact us for help deciding amongst the above projects and how to properly formulate a plan to morst efficiently assist Ukraine.


Fundraising for Ukraine

Fundraising is a critical task for any group. Equipment-providers obviously must buy the equipment somehow, while even advocacy organizations must pay for flights, letters, meeting space, etc.

There are many ways to fundraise. Contact us for suggestions and advice.


Group promotion